Friday, May 14, 2010

4 months and counting

Wow, I publish my blog and then I abandon it. Really, my camera died and I had no way to document the visual changes in my hair for month 3. If you know me, then you know I can be tight with my money, so I haven't purchased a new camera. Hopefully, I will pick one up before the end of the summer so that I can continue to document my hair journey. Honestly, I have been amazed at my ability to stay true to my locked journey. My hair is frizzy and free and I am perfectly ok with that. Actually, I think it's beautiful.

For me, this passage to purpose inspires a deep inner exploration of my personal beauty. Personal beauty and maturity; these concepts were previously riddled with confusion for me. I would interact with people and they would define me as attractive and mature (mature as in professional, articulate, etc). Unfortunately, my internal belief system was nothing of the sort. I felt and sometimes continue to feel, below average, hohum, dull and childish. I can't give all the credit to my locks but I can definitely say that my internal beliefs are shifting. I think it's the patience required to grow locks and that patience is reflected and mimicked (is that a word? lol) in other aspects of my life. For instance, I have developed greater patience with my emotions, my career and my financial situation. I also believe the locked journey inspires increased gentleness. I am more gentle with myself; spiritually, physically and emotionally. I am also beginning to recognize my true image and that is a beautiful thing. Overall, I am so grateful for my life, my rites of passages--the good and the bad, and I am grateful for my new locks. I've said it before and I will repeat myself here, I believe my hair was made to be locked. It's so easy and natural and perfect for me.

Tomorrow, I will have my monthly hair styling with Gloria. And I am looking forward to seeing the changes in my hair and my attitude. Stay tuned.

Mother/Father God, Thank you for this passage to purpose. I appreciate the love, patience and mercy you bestow on me. I ask that the light you shed on my life is not in vain and I hope to be a light to others. Thanks God, And so it is.

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